
AH2019 Paper Submission & Review Process

Submission Categories
  • Full papers: 8 pages maximum (including references), anonymized, long presentation (15-minute presentation + 5-minute Q&A)
  • Short papers: 4 pages (including references), anonymized, short presentation (8-minute presentation + 2-minute Q&A)
  • Demonstrations: 2 pages (including references), anonymized, demo at the conference
  • Posters: 2 pages (including references), anonymized, poster at the conference

Important Dates (All deadlines by end of day CET)
  • January 1st, 2019: Deadline submission
  • February 7th, 2019: Author acceptance/rejection
  • February 11th, 2019: At least one paid academic full registration per accepted paper
  • February 14th, 2019: Camera-ready deadline
  • March 11th-12th 2019: Conference at Champagne Reims University

Submissions shall be made to the conference management system via the following link:

At least 3 double-blind reviews per paper will be done. All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. At least one author per accepted paper will have to attend the conference to present their work and each accepted paper must have at least one paid academic full registration.

Accepted manuscripts for all submission categories will be published in the ACM digital library. All submissions must follow the ACM SIG Proceedings template on this page: Among the various ACM paper templates, make sure that you use the “SigConf” version, i.e., use “sample-sigconf.tex” if you use LaTeX, and “ACM_SigConf.docx” if you use MS Word for preparing your manuscript. In addition, make sure that you use the 2012 ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) at to choose CCS Concepts for your paper. For detailed instructions, refer to the CCS 2012 page:

Demo submissions will need to provide installation information at the conference venue, such as spatial dimension and floor plan, lighting conditions (e.g., dim lighting, IR interference, etc.), sound conditions, number of participants that can be accommodated at the same time, etc. Click here to download the demo logistics form.

The poster session is a good venue to get feedback on early-stage works that are not yet published. The submission must be in the form of a two-page abstract. Supplementary materials, such as video clips are encouraged but not mandatory. The authors must bring an A0-sized poster to be displayed during the poster sessions of the conference.

We encourage authors to submit supporting video material (up to 100 MB) in addition to the PDF submission. Authors of all accepted papers will also be invited and encouraged to submit to the demo sessions. All accepted long papers will be recommended for publication in a Journal with sufficiently new added content.

At least 3 double-blind reviews per paper will be done. All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. At least one author per accepted paper will have to register and come to the conference to present.

Authors of all accepted papers will also be invited and encouraged to participate in the demo sessions. 

All accepted papers with sufficiently new added content will be recommended for publication in the Springer Augmented Human Research Journal.
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