"Natural vs. Artificial Intelligence: Perception, Decision & Action" by Marc O. Ernst, Applied Cognitive Psychology, Ulm University
10am - 10:20am: Session "Undercover Augmented Human" (Chair: Katrin Wolf)
"TongueBoard: An Oral Interface for Subtle Input", Richard Li, Jason Wu and Thad Starner.
10:20am - 10:50am: Coffee Break
10:50am - noon: Session "Augmented Sensations I" (Chair: Jun Rekimoto)
"Estimation of Fingertip Contact Force by Measuring Skin Deformation and Posture with Photo-reflective Sensors", Ayane Saito, Wakaba Kuno, Wataru Kawai, Natsuki Miyata and Yuta Sugiura.
"2bit-TactileHand: Evaluating Tactons for On-Body Vibrotactile Displays on the Hand and Wrist", Don Samitha Elvitigala, Denys J. C. Matthies, Vipula Dissanayake, Chamod Weerasinghe and Suranga Nanayakkara.
"StockSense - A Wrist-Worn Vibrotactile Display for tracking Volatile Markets", Erik Pescara, Ilya Filippov and Michael Beigl.
"Evaluation of a device reproducing the pseudo-force sensation caused by a clothespin", Masahiro Miyakami, Takuto Nakamura and Hiroyuki Kajimoto.
"Finger Posture Modulates Grip Strength and Weight Perception", Hideyuki Asazu, Masahiro Miyakami and Hiroyuki Kajimoto.
Noon - 1pm: Lunch Break (close by restaurant ticket is included)
"Guided walking to direct pedestrians toward the same destination", Nobuhito Sakamoto, Masataka Kurokawa, Masahiro Furukawa and Taro Maeda.
"Detection Threshold of the Height Difference between a Visual and Physical Step", Masato Kobayashi, Yuki Kon and Hiroyuki Kajimoto.
"Enhancement of Subjective Mechanical Tactile Intensity via Electrical Stimulation", Ryo Mizuhara, Akifumi Takahashi and Hiroyuki Kajimoto.
"Glove-Through Tactile Information Transmission System", Hideki Kawai, Hidenori Itoh, Takuya Nakano, Hiroyuki Kajimoto and Yasuyuki Yanagida.
"fSense: Unlocking the Dimension of Force for Gestural Interactions using Smartwatch PPG Sensor", Thisum Buddhika, Haimo Zhang, Samantha Chan, Vipula Dissanayake, Suranga Nanayakkara and Roger Zimmermann.
"Haptic Collar - Vibrotactile Feedback around the Neck for Guidance Application", Stefanie Schaack, George Chernyshov, Kirill Ragozin, Roshan Peiris and Kai Kunze.
"OSense: Object-activity Identification Based on Gasping Posture and Motion", Thisum Buddhika, Haimo Zhang, Chamod Weerasinghe, Suranga Nanayakkara and Roger Zimmermann.
"TherModule: Wearable and Modular Thermal Feedback System based on a Wireless Platform", Tomosuke Maeda and Kurahashi Tetsuo.
2:50pm - 3:20pm: Tea Break
3:20pm - 5:10pm: Session "Augmented Sports and Group Activities" (Chair: Kai Kunze)
"Augmented Recreational Volleyball Court: Supporting the Beginners' Landing Position Prediction Skill by Providing Peripheral Visual Feedback", Koya Sato, Yuji Sano, Mai Otsuki, Mizuki Oka and Kazuhiko Kato.
"Prediction of Volleyball Trajectory Using Skeletal Motions of Setter Player", Shuya Suda, Yasutoshi Makino and Hiroyuki Shinoda.
"Identifying Muscle Fatigue and Hyperthermia in Sports Activities Using Thermal Imaging and Facial Recognition Software", Christopher G. Harris.
"Virtual Super-Leaping: Immersive Extreme Jumping in VR", Tomoya Sasaki, Kao-Hua Liu, Taiki Hasegawa, Atsushi Hiyama and Masahiko Inami.
"Social Activity Measurement by Counting Faces Captured in First-Person View Lifelogging Video", Akane Okuno and Yasuyuki Sumi.
"Augmented taste of wine by artificial climate room", Toshiharu Igarashi, Tatsuya Minagawa and Yoichi Ochiai.
5:10pm - 6:10pm: Panel "Augmented Human in 2029" (Masahiko Inami, Jun Rekimoto, Hideo Saito, Hideki Koike, Tsutomu Terada, Albrecht Schmidt, Guillaume Moreau, Alexis Paljic and Jean-Marc Seigneur)
6:30pm: Bus leaving from the conference place to the "Veuve Clicquot" Champagne cellar (1, place des droits de l’Homme, 51100 Reims)
7pm: Start of the Champagne Banquet including the Awards Ceremony at "Veuve Clicquot" St Petersbourg Champagne cellar (1, place des droits de l’Homme, 51100 Reims)
22pm: Bus leaving from "Veuve Clicquot" Champagne cellar (1, place des droits de l’Homme, 51100 Reims) to Reims main train station (Place de la Gare, 51100 Reims)
"GANs-based Clothes Design: Pattern Maker Is All You Need to Design Clothing", Natsumi Kato, Hiroyuki Osone, Kotaro Oomori, Chun Wei Ooi and Yoichi Ochiai.
"Brain Computer Interface for Neurorehabilitation With Deep Learning Classification and Virtual Reality Feedback", Tamás Karácsony, Sadasivan Puthusserypady, John Paulin Hansen and Helle Klingenberg Iversen.
"SubMe: An Interactive Subtitle System with English Skill Estimation Using Eye Tracking", Katsuya Fujii and Jun Rekimoto.
"CapMat: Smart Foot Mat for User Authentication", Denys J.C. Matthies, Don Samitha Elvitigala, Sachith Muthukumarana, Jochen Huber and Suranga Nanayakkara.
"CricketCoach: Towards Creating a Better Awareness of Gripping Forces for Cricketers", Sachith Muthukumarana, Denys J.C. Matthies, Chamod Weerasinghe, Don Samitha Elvitigala and Suranga Nanayakkara.
"Second Language Vocabulary Learning While Walking", Shogo Fukushima, Ari Hautasaari and Takeo Hamada.
"Build your Own! Open-Source VR Shoes for Unity3D", Jens Reinhardt, Eike Lewandowski and Katrin Wolf.
"Design of Enhanced Flashcards for Second Language Vocabulary Learning with Emotional Binaural Narration", Shogo Fukushima.
"AR Pottery Wheel-Throwing by Attaching Omnidirectional Camera to the Center of the User's Palms", Yusuke Maruyama and Yasuyuki Kono.
"Demonstrating Naviarm: Augmenting the Learning of Motor Skills using a Backpack-type Robotic Arm System", Azumi Maekawa, Shota Takahashi, Mhd Yamen Saraiji, Sohei Wakisaka, Hiroyasu Iwata and Masahiko Inami.
"Sentiment Pen: Recognizing Emotional Granularity Based on Handwriting Features", Jiawen Han, George Chernyshov, Dingding Zheng, Peizhong Gao, Katrin Wolf and Kai Kunze.
"Automatic Smile and Frown Recognition with Kinetic Earables", Seungchul Lee, Chulhong Min, Alessandro Montanari, Akhil Mathur, Fahim Kawsar and Youngjae Chang.
"Prospero: A Personal Wearable Memory Coach", Samantha Wei Ting Chan, Haimo Zhang and Suranga Nanayakkara.
"An Implicit Dialogue Injection System for Interruption Management", Tomoki Shibata, Alena Borisenko, Anzu Hakone, Tal August, Leonidas Deligiannidis, Chen-Hsiang Yu, Matthew Russell, Alex Olwal and Robert Jacob.
"Hearing Is Believing: Synthesizing Spatial Audio from Everyday Objects to Users", Jing Yang, Yves Frank and Gábor Sörös.
"MusiArm: Extending Prosthesis to Musical Expression", Kaito Hatakeyama, Mhd Yamen Saraiji and Kouta Minamizawa.
Noon - 1:10pm: Lunch Break (close by restaurant ticket is included)
1:10pm - 2:40pm: Session "Seeing in different light" (Chair: Hideki Koike)
"Automatic Eyeglasses Replacement for a 3D Virtual Try-on System", Takumi Kobayashi, Yuta Sugiura, Hideo Saito and Yuji Uema.
"Effects of Monocular Laser-Based Head-Mounted Displays on Human Night Vision", Evangelos Niforatos and Mélodie Vidal.
"MagniFinger: Fingertip probe microscope with direct micro movements", Noriyasu Obushi, Sohei Wakisaka, Shunichi Kasahara and Masahiko Inami.
"Let Your World Open: CAVE-based Visualization Methods of Public Virtual Reality towards a Shareable VR Experience", Akira Ishii, Masaya Tsuruta, Ippei Suzuki, Shuta Nakamae, Junichi Suzuki and Yoichi Ochiai.
"Double Shellf: What Psychological Effects can be Caused through Interaction with a Doppelganger?", Yuji Hatada, Shigeo Yoshida, Takuji Natumi and Michitaka Hirose.
3:10pm - 5pm: Session "Augmented Body" (Chair: Albrecht Schmidt)
"Augmenting Human with A Tail", Haoran Xie, Kento Mitsuhashi and Takuma Torii.
"Prosthetic Tail: Artificial Anthropomorphic Tail for Extending Innate Body Functions", Junichi Nabeshima, Mhd Yamen Saraiji and Kouta Minamizawa.
"Orochi: Investigating Requirements and Expectations for Multipurpose Daily Used Supernumerary Robotic Limbs", Mohammed Al-Sada, Thomas Höglund, Mohamed Khamis, Jaryd Urbani and Tatsuo Nakajima.
"Naviarm: Augmenting the Learning of Motor Skills using a Backpack-type Robotic Arm System", Azumi Maekawa, Shota Takahashi, Mhd Yamen Saraiji, Sohei Wakisaka, Hiroyasu Iwata and Masahiko Inami.
"BitoBody: Real-time human contact detection and dynamic projection system", Erwin Wu, Mitski Piekenbrock and Hideki Koike.
"CompoundDome:A wearable dome device that enables interaction with the real world by partially transmitting the screen", Eriko Maruyama and Jun Rekimoto.
"Investigating Universal Appliance Control through Wearable Augmented Reality", Vincent Becker, Felix Rauchenstein and Gábor Sörös.
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🦹♀️🦸♂️ 14th Augmented Human International Conference Call For Papers released on https://www.augmented-human.com/ #CFP #augmentedhuman #augmented #human #augmentation #biohacking #transhumanism #Geneva #conference #AH2024
AH2022 in Canada and AH2021 proceedings now available in the ACM digital library #rehabilitation #augmented #human #augmentation
Delighted to announce that the 12th Augmented Human International Conference will happen in Geneva in May 2021 https://www.augmented-human.com #augmented #human #augmentation
You can still join us for the last day of the 11th Augmented Human International Conference sponsored by Huawei https://www.augmentedhuman.ca #augmented #human #augmentation @huaweimobile
The 2020 Augmented Human international conference will happen at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg Canada https://www.augmented-human.com #augmentedreality #augmentedhuman #superhuman #augmented #human
Dr Jean-Marc Seigneur presenting the awards of the 10th Augmented Human international conference at Veuve Clicquot Champagne cellar in Reims France. He has started these augmented human conferences in 2010 whilst researching augmented human trust. Subscribe to the newsletter on https://www.augmented_human.com to stay tuned about the next augmented human conferences!#augmentedreality #trust #superhuman #virtualreality @veuveclicquot
Finished the first day of the 10th Augmented Human International Conference with Veuve Clicquot Champagne experience and awards @veuveclicquot #champagne #augmentedreality #virtualreality #superhuman #augmented #human
Participants arriving at 10th Augmented Human International Conference #AH2019 starting soon #augmentedreality #superhuman #virtualreality #augmented #human
The 10th Augmented Human International Conference banquet will happen in @veuveclicquot Champagne cellar #AH2019 #augmented #human #augmentedreality #augmentation #superhuman #exoskeleton #brain #computing #interface
Last seats available for the 10th Augmented Human International Conference with banquet in a Champagne cellar, register on https://www.augmented-human.com #AH2019 #augmented #human #augmentation #superhuman #augmentedreality
#AH2019 at Champagne University CFP posted to the Website http://www.augmented-human.com
Last day of #AH2018 #AugmentedReality #HumanAugmentation #superhuman
#AH2018 pretty full session on Interaction #augmentedreality #augmentedhumanity #singularity #augmentedhuman
Prof. Jihoon Jeong great #AH2018 keynote followed by lots of questions from the participants
#AH2018 demos short teasers
@wtwoo Prof. Woontack Woo general co-chair of #AH2018 opening the conference
#AH2018 First day keynote
#AH2018 registration team preparing to welcome the Augmented Human 2018 conference participants #augmentedhuman #augmentedreality #augmented #human #superhuman @wtwoo @rkmt @drinami @pranavmistry @reputaction
1 month left only before #AH2018 CFP deadline: November 1st 2017
9th Augmented Human International Conference in Seoul, call for papers deadline November 1st 2017 #AH2018 #augmented #human #ar #wearable #augmentedreality #humanaugmentation #augmentedhuman #augmentedhumanity #technology #geek #superhuman #singularity #transhumanism #exoskeleton #superman #biomechanics #artificialintelligence
Award Ceremony - this year we decern 6 prices :
☆彡1st Best paper >> Laplacian vision
☆彡2nd Best paper >> Wearability factors for skin interfaces
☆彡3rd Best paper >> Enhancing effects of mediated social touch between same gender by changing impression
☆彡Best demo >> Augmentation of human protection functions using wearable and sensing system
☆彡Best poster >> Semi automatic multiple player tracking of soccer games using laser range finders
☆彡Student Competition >> Hugging vest
#award #ceremony #best #papers #demo #poster #student #competition #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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S-helmet, a peripheral perception to augment the vision of the skiers.
When somebody is closed to you, cameras on the helmet detect persons and a light (right, left or middle) is visible to prevent you on which side there is a danger of collision.
#shelmet #helmet #ski #peripheral #perception #augmented #vision #warn #collision #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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Ski-mojo is an another demo available to try. It supports 40% of your body when you're skiing. It's also very useful for persons who had broken a leg in the past for example.
#SkiMojo #support #body #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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Part of the interview about exoskeleton, a japanese team exposés a model of protection against falls and attacks. Find the entire interview soon on Marienne TV. 🎥
#interview #exoskeleton #protection #falls #attacks #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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Here we are, at Saint Francois Longchamps Ski Resort ! We will try soon the augmented winter sports demos !
#winter #sports #saint #francois #longchamps #ski #resort #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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The first day of the 7th international conference about augmented human finishes with a great social dinner at the Restaurant du Parc des Bastions in Geneva 😊
#social #dinner #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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Some demonstrations of works all around the world are exposed and explained by different teams.
You can see "Metamorphosis Hand", a japanese invention.
Then the "Robotic Sixth Finger" made by italian researchers, and
the "Ultracortex" by USA researchers.
#demonstrations #Metamorphosis #hand #robotic #sixth #finger #ultracortex #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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Between two presentations, there is a Student Design Competition : we have SMA, a hugging vest (for autistic person for example) by Duvall, and PACE, connected shoes which allow you to have details about incentive, achievement and personality by Daniels, Tong, and Zheng. Let's vote !
#AH2016 #design #challenge #competition #hugging #vest #connected #shoes #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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The 3 first speakers of the day talked about:
- Smart objects (Dr. Nan Wei Gong presented the Google project Jacquard about intelligent textile)
- Augmented Hearing (Russell and Dublin from the MIT Medialab spoke about HearThere, a networked sensory prosthetics)
- A user study comparing audio and visual notifications (Cidota from the TU Delft exposed a AR support using HDMs
#IoT #smart #objects #intelligent #textile #hearthere #hearing #notifications #HMD #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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Today is the first day of the 7th international conference about the augmented human !
#AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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#AH2016 starts in Geneva tomorrow!
Do we talk about the augmented human and its limits in litterature ? Yes, we do, especially Johann, A. R. Roduit, to name an example. He is a managing director at the Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine in Zurich.
His book, The Case for Perfection: Ethics in the Age of Human Enhancement, examines the main role that the perfection has when we talk about enhancement of humans. The author tends to show what are the ethics regarding this domain. Researchers developed more and more new technologies, which help people to be better, to be more efficient. Great works are made in fields like medicine for example.
To Johann Roduit, the debate needs to be directed by the principles of autonomy, justice and safety. If these notions are followed, so the ideals ideas to enhance human are right. Roduit describes concepts like human enhancement, ideals and perfection in his book.
#book #human #enhancement #ideals #perfection #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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This year the International Conference about Augmented Human (#AH2016) is proud to have great sponsors on its side.
For example and to name only a few, we can count on the University of Geneva, the Swiss National Science Foundation and even Google, to make these 3 days unforgettable (25-27th on February).
We're waiting for your presence. A few place are still available and you can register here : https://www.unige.ch/outils/limebooking2/index.php/873744
There is also the hashtag #AH2016. What about sharing it with your friends and followers on social media ? (;
#sponsors #google #unige #medialab #fnsnf #iss #canton #GE #stfrancoislongchamp #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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In 2010 Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur launched the first international conference about the augmented human in Megeve ski resort. The next ones took place in Tokyo, Stuttgart, Kobe and Singapore. This year, the 7th international conference, sponsored by Google, will be in Switzerland. Each year it is a success: some international media even made a first page cover about this conference.
The first two days will be composed of conferences from worldwide specialists at the Campus Biotech in Geneva.
Let's talk in details about the third day. Conference attendees will go to the Saint-Francois Longchamps ski resort (France) with buses from Geneva train station. Once there, they will be able to test augmented winter sports. On the picture attached to this article you will find some examples :
Protections : pneumatic artificial muscles
SkiMojo : exoskeleton which relieves knees
Ski helmet : augmented peripheral vision
You will find more informations following this link : http://www.augmented-human.com/ah-2016-welcome/ah-2016-program
#artificial #muscles #skimojo #exoskeleton #ski #helmet #peripheral #vision #winter #sports #Longchamp #ski #resort #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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Innovating technologies are often expensive because they are using complicated new materials and techniques. Despite this challenge, innovation has always changed, and will continue changing, our day to day life.
The startup OpenBCI (brain-computer-interface), which is composed by a team including researchers, engineers, scientists and designers, is currently working on an analog-to-digital converter.
The aim is to research and then to develop new technologies in relation to human-computer interfaces by studying electrical signals from both the brain and the body. OpenBCI is a open science project, meaning that everybody can contribute to bring new ideas. Their product is described by themselves as versatile and affordable. For example, the helmet they are using is made with a 3D-printer.
In this video you will discover more about the team of this project as well as what and why they are doing it: .be/svuu3BlUVuE
Picture : http://www.openbci.com
#openBCI #biosensing #microcontroller #opensource #innovation #human #computer #interface #technology #electrical #brain #activity #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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What are you doing the last weekend of February? The 7thAugmented Human International Conference will take place in Geneva on the 25th&26th (@Campus Biotech) and it is going to be very interesting, so don’t miss it!
It is a great occasion to discover the works of people who are working on topics like: Augmented Sports and Serious Games(especially Augmented Winter Sports. In addition you will be able to try some equipment out on the 27th of February at Ski Resort near Geneva), Bionics and Biomechanics, Exoskeletons and Super Human Technologies, Interactions between Augmented Humans and Smart Cities, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Augmented and Mixed Reality, Smart Objects, Augmented Healthcare, etc. There will be a lot of subjects discussed with very great people coming from the whole world (Switzerland, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Belgium, Norway, United Kingdom, France, etc.). The Augmented Human is no more a “future thing”, it is the present. The new technologies and ideas allow humans to build amazing inventions to help us becoming better, more effective. The 7th Augmented Human International Conference will introduce some of great works people are currently developing.
Don't wait and register here : https://www.unige.ch/outils/limebooking2/index.php/873744
You will find all the informations on the official website: http://www.augmented-human.com/ and on the social media: https://www.facebook.com/events/1256066247740598/, Pictures: http://www.augmented-human.com/
#AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #smart #cities #objects #winter #sports #brain #exoskeletons #healthcare #computing #interfaces #geneva #switzerland
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Brain feat. Computer
Do you think speaking with a mobile assistance like Siri or Google Now is impressive?
The U.S military gets to the next level with its new program developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); it established a Neural Engineering System Design (NESD). It’s a chip sized one cubic centimeter implanted in the brain.
The capacity of this chip is to connect human brain and digital world. You won’t need any keyboard or mouse anymore; it will work just by thinking. The main aims are to help soldiers on the battlefield enhance their performance and to cure and treat brain disorders like PostTraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which most soldiers are affected by battles. «It might be possible to monitor activity in the amygdala, and this would be a direct way of monitoring anxiety”.
This chip could also give more abilities for blind or paralyzed people. With the implant people who don’t see would theoretically be able to see through a computerized camera, and people who cannot move would be able to move by using a device to deliver a message from the brain directly to the necessary muscles.
Picture: http://www.darpa.mil/news-events/2015-01-19
Links: http://europe.newsweek.com/us-military-plans-cyborg-soldiers-new-darpa-project-418128?rm=eu, http://www.mis-asia.com/tech/industries/us-military-wants-to-create-cyborg-soldiers/?page=1, http://www.defenseone.com/technology/2014/05/D1-Tucker-military-building-brain-chips-treat-ptsd/85360/, http://www.outerplaces.com/science/item/10963-the-military-wants-your-brain-to-speak-directly-to-computers
#US #military #DARPA #NESD #brain #computer #chip #connect #digital #world #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #smart #cities #winter#sports #brain #computing #interfaces #geneva #switzerland
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彡 Official website: http://www.augmented-human.com/
A perfect vision for everybody?
Dr. Garth Webb, founder of the Technology Corporation Ocumetics is developing an intraocular lens, which is capable of restoring a clear vision, without wearing glasses or contact lenses. After 8 years of researchs and $3 million in funding, this invention (available in 2017) could be the end of all kinds of visual disabilities. Dr. Webb says: “Our mission is to equip people for the 21stcentury by changing the way in which they see and experience the world around them”. To be operated, you need to be at least 25, because the eyesight has to be stable and the eye fully developed. The operation only lasts 10 minutes, is painless and the effects are visible immediately, your vision is corrected. The bionic lens is made of inert biocompatible polymetric materials, so there is no risk for you eye. Even better, if you get this bionic lens, you will never have cataracts because the lens replaces what decays over years. Dr. Webb hopes her bionic lens will replace the laser eye surgery, which is not efficient on everybody and adds: “Perfect eyesight should be a human right”.
Picture: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2015/06/19/the-8-minute-surgery-that-will-give-you-superhuman-vision-forever/
Links: http://ocumetics.com/, http://www.collective-evolution.com/2015/06/19/the-8-minute-surgery-that-will-give-you-superhuman-vision-forever/
#ocumetics #bionic #lens #perfect #vision #wearable #technology #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #smart #cities #winter#sports #brain #computing #interfaces #geneva #Switzerland
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彡 Official website : http://www.augmented-human.com/
Do you want a new pair of glasses ?
In May 2014, the Google Glass v1 “Explorer” hits public market at the price of 1500$. Even though it’s a wearable new technology, people weren’t really convinced. In addition to a price perceived by many as too high, the question of privacy notably the protection of the private sphere as well as the risk of industrial spying were a matter of discussion. As a consequence, less than a year later, in January 2015, Google announced it will stop producing its Google Glass.
In the middle of the year 2015, Google came back, with the help of one of its division, Nest, and created a new upgraded version : the “Google Glass : Enterprise Edition”. This model was presented to the US Federal Communications Commission (https://www.fcc.gov/) at the end of the same year.
According to the first available pictures, Google glass v2 have almost the same design that the first version but are thinner, waterproof and can be fold. Furthermore, the prism is larger, which increase the quality of images, the wifi replaced the Bluetooth option and the Intel processor is more efficient as is the battery. Finally to prevent the fear of being filmed without consent, from now a flashing green light is perceptible while Google Glass is filming or taking pictures.
This new version v2 of Google Glass “Enterprise Edition” is especially made, as its name says, for companies, workplaces and professional markets. This upgraded version has the aim to help people like doctors, construction worker, engineers in their everyday working tasks and responsabilities.
Link : http://9to5google.com
Pictures : http://9to5google.com/tag/google-glass/
#googleglass #google #wearable #technology #enterpriseedition #FCC #nest #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #geneva #switzerland
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In not so many years there will be no more waiting lists for organs donations. Why? Because 3D printers will augment the humans with 3D organs.
Nowadays a 3D printer can produce almost everything like a house, a car, or even a bridge. It was just a matter of time to be able to create a prosthesis or human tissues. A lot of money has been and is invested in 3D printing development since the 80’s; it is going to be the new industrial revolution, especially in the health field. We will be soon able to build artificial body parts like bones, cartilage, blood vessels, and skin. Until now we were able to print quite big things with cumbersome machines in metal or plastic, nowadays we talk about tiny machines which can create pieces as small as a chip and in several materials like skin.
If you want to see how a 3D printer works, you can watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqmLT-C8xwc&list=PL0qFRe2svEnTVRM3oquwoRx4KlQaamjo7
Links :
Photo credits : livescience.com / happonomy.com / 3dprint.com
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Haptoclone, the invention that will allow you to do a handshake during a Skype session.
Japanese researchers have brought a new way to communicate. Hiroyuki Shinoda, a professor at University of Tokyospecifies that a « haptic optical clone » has been created to enhance and enrich human communication.
Haptoclone is a « telehaptic » interactive symmetrical system that brings the illusion of touching the person you speak with through holograms.
It’s composed of two workspaces (boxes) « superimposed optically and haptically ». Both boxes contain a lightfield and a forcefield which are cloned and sent to the other. That allows the users to see and feel the cloned things existing in the other workspace.
A Kinect sensor is used « to capture motion in real time » and there are also « four ultrasound arrays that emit ultrasonic radiation pressure, which is how the computer makes you believe you’re actually touching the object/person on the other side ».
One of the ideas is to couple this haptoclone technology with virtual reality and/or augmented reality and make new immersive digital experiences. We can even think about using it for commercial aims, like touching things from your home before buying it.
You can see this video of Hactoclone in action that will blow your mind: https://youtu.be/0nlnRpFoBLo
Photo: Emiko Jozuka
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Recently, a new lab called ATHENA (Augmentation and Training of Humans with Engineering in North America), working about augmented human projects was created in Iowa (USA) and managed by Prof. Richard Stone and Thomas Schnieders. « These research thrusts include for example the development of design methodologies for augmented reality and multisensory devices or telerobotics control system development.
It is not the only one, for example, there is one in Korea : the Augmented Human Research Center (AHRC). They have a partnership with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). The lab is directed by Prof. Woontack Woo, and their job is about augmented perception, augmented intelligence and augmented experience.
There is another lab in Singapore, the team, guided by Ass. Prof. Suranga Nanayakkara, works on assistive augmentation. They are „exploring the ways of creating enabling human-computer interfaces that integrate with a user’s mind, body and behavior, providing an enhanced perception. This means that they do : « smart health and well-being, independent living for the ageing population, assistive and rehabilitative technology and immersive media, communication and collaboration. »
In Switzerland, another lab is led by Ass. Prof. Jean-Marc Seigneur. The lab is part of the CUI (computing centre) and affiliated with the Medi@LAB of the Geneva School of Social Sciences (G3S) of the University of Geneva. This group works especially on the trust, security and privacy issues. The focus is made on trustworthy interactions between augmented humans and smart cities.
All AH labs are listed on this page : http://www.augmented-human.com/research-group-center-lab and if yours is missing, email us its description to support@augmented-human.com and we will add it to the list.
Photo : team of ATHENA lab
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No more paralysed people ? That is one of the aim of the exoskeletons.
The Ekso GT robotic exoskeleton, a wearable bionic suit, makes possible for paralysed persons to stand up and even to walk. It works with « battery-powered motors located at the thighs and lower back to take over for weakened or inactive muscles ». Body enhancing exoskeletons were for a long time only military researchs but now engineers are thinking about developing these exoskeletons for a much larger population. This « wearable technology, which uses electric motors, can augment the strength and the balance of the human body ». At the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland engineers are working on the Robo-Mate project, which is an exoskeleton that could help manual workers, helping them to carry heavy objects, and to avoid as much as possible accidents.
But in Japan, engineers also develop assistive exoskeletons. These exoskeletons are « like electric bikes, they just give a power boost to their users. »
At this point exoskeletons are very expensive, near 70‘000 dollars, and work with people who have the ability to move their upper body, but « the technology is constantly evolving, allowing more and more people to step beyond expectations. »
Credits : http://www.engineering.com/ http://intl.eksobionics.com/ekso http://www.gizmag.com/ http://www.chch.com/ http://robohub.org/ http://drjbhl.joeuser.com/
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Certainly you have already heard about the Google Glass, but have you heard about augmented contact lenses ? The start-up Magic Leap has filed several patents and one is all about augmented contact lenses. PSFK, future-forward online resource website, wrote an article about it in September 2015: « If Magic Leap’s application is successful and they develop the lens into a popular product, it could indicate that we’re ready to augment our perceptions (and maybe other abilities) with technology we put into our bodies. » I think the better way to understand their work is to go on the official website of Magic Leap which is : http://www.magicleap.com/#/home
Photo : www.roadtovr.com
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Have you ever wanted to know how it feels to have superpowers ? It’s not a question anymore in Japan, because you can try superhuman sports created by the Superhuman Sports Society, also known as S3. This (free) exposition is part of the annual Digital Contents Expo. The aim is to demonstrate what it could be in 2020 when Japan will welcome the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Professor Masahiko Inami (Tokyo University) wants to « give people the possibility to expand their capabilities ». He also wants to « create new genre of sports or improve on existing ones ». http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/10/22/national/superhuman-sports-showcased-tokyo-expo/#.VlL_-nYveM9
Picture credits : Superhuman Sports Society (3S)
#jo2020 #japan #superhuman #sports #society #super #powers #capabilities #AH2016 #augmentedhuman #international #conference #smart #cities #winter #sports #brain #computing #interfaces #geneva #switzerland
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The 7th Augmented Human International Conference (AH 2016) will take place the 25th & 26th (Campus Biotech @ Geneva) & the 27th (@ St-François Longchamp Ski Resort) on February, in Switzerland. The special themes will be about interaction between Augmented Humans and Smart Cities,
Augmented Winter Sports and Brain-Computing Interfaces.
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